
“letmein” & “starwars” Among Worst Passwords of 2017

Every year SplashData unveils its list of the worst passwords, proving that people don’t listen to advice and that 2017 was the year of Star Wars. The company generates its list using data from over five million passwords leaked by hackers over the past year. The list is particularly pertinent … Read More

Strong growth in wearables continues year over year

You’ll likely see many more Apple Watches – and other devices like them – as the number of wearables bought by consumers continues to rise by more than 18% a year, a growth rate that means the number of wearables sold between 2016 and 2021 is posed to more than … Read More

What’s Wrong With Your Pa$$word?

Not too sure that all the aspects of your life that you’ve entrusted to the internet are safe? Well, here’s a security expert to assure you that no, they are not. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

Piper Home Security

It seems odd that there aren’t more home security systems with an app for video monitoring, especially given there are other security apps out there, but Piper is the first home security gadget with an app to combine a number of things: panoramic video, z-wave home automation, and environmental sensors. … Read More

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