Eating Bluefin Tuna into Extinction

Maybe you really love sushi. Well, we have some bad news for you: something like 4% of Bluefin tuna stocks remain. If you have half an hour, this is a pretty great little documentary about the end of a species. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

The Overload of Public Information, and More

The Worst Kind of Information – Medium “It takes a certain kind of brain to appreciate the emptiness of public information. Most of us are too earnest, which is to say most people are better adapted to the time in which they evolved. Most of us have stone-age brains. We … Read More

Sushi Bar Etiquette

Following any of this advice is likely to get you laughed out of the sushi bar, but we always have time for some good ‘ol satire. [youtube width=”640″][/youtube]

2011 Whistler Cornucopia Festival

Another year of wine tastings, seminars and late-night debauchery has passed as this 2011 Whistler Cornucopia (Nov. 10 – 14) has come to an end. Thousands of the annual festival’s attendees sipped, slurped and gulped down hundreds of wines and dozens of cocktails, and sampled their way around Whistler’s top … Read More

Wasabi Wonderland

Though Vancouver is undoubtedly Canada’s sushi Mecca, Torontonians with a taste for raw fish need never go hungry, or settle for less. That’s not to suggest it’s all good in Hogtown: Toronto’s Japanese population is relatively low, and Lake Ontario is not an option for fishing. Regardless, there’s plenty of variety and … Read More

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