Looking at Food Pictures Makes Eating Worse

We all hate people who fill their Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with an endless cavalcade of poorly-focused food pictures, and now there’s proof that they’re making our lives worse, therefore making that hatred totally not irrational. Okay, maybe still a bit irrational. A study published in the Journal of Consumer … Read More

John Catucci Makes Gnocchi

Not as smooth in the kitchen as you are at the bar picking up the ladies, right? Right? We’re here to help. Some of the country’s top foodies have offered their culinary inspiration — because there’s nothing sadder than leftover Chinese food on a dark, winter’s night. Heard of John Catucci? … Read More

DIY Bacon

Give a man some bacon and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to make bacon and he’ll die—either because it takes several days to make bacon, or because eating that much bacon will cause a massive cardiac arrest and something medical professionals call “exploding aorta syndrome.” [youtube width=”640″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYH3Z0Hp1Wo[/youtube]

South American Food in Calgary

Calgary got a double dose of delicious this year, as the city’s first two Peruvian restaurants came online, and diners have been debating for months who does a better bird, Pio Peruvian Rotisserie or Inti Restaurant? We’ve also been wondering where the heck has this succulent cuisine been all our … Read More

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