Couple in bed

Report: The sexiest places in the world (and how Canadian cities measure up)

Which cities around the world are having the most sex, and how do the sex lives of Canadians compare? A new report from Lazeeva, a company specializing on erotic mobile apps, reveals where people are the most ‘sex positive’. They define sex positive as “having or promoting an open tolerant, … Read More

The most popular (and least expensive) travel destinations for Canadians

Planning your next adventure? A new report reveals the most popular travel destinations for Canadians – and those that are the cheapest to fly to right now. To determine these, the team over at compiling the data from 11.5 million flight searches from six major cities (Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa, … Read More

Uber taxi

Checklist: The ten things you’re most likely to forget in an Uber car

Do you often find yourself frantically patting your pockets and taking inventory of your gear when you’re out? Shoot. Where’s my wallet? What have I done with my keys? There’s always that moment of panic when you realize that you’ve lost track of something essential. Well, here’s a handy checklist … Read More

The best websites and apps for your summer travels

When it comes to traveling, the importance of planning is key to a successful trip. From researching, to coordinating, to purchasing, it quickly can become overwhelming especially with many travel resources available at the tips of our fingers—quite literally. To narrow it down, here’s a list of the top five tools that … Read More

Entrepreneurs are redefining the future of Ethiopia

Addis Ababa is nuts. The city is impossible to get around because there’s construction everywhere. It’s a chaotic boomtown that aspires to be the Dubai of east Africa — and might actually have a chance. The main thing Ethiopia has going for it is a pervasive entrepreneurial spirit. Everywhere you … Read More

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