Grandfather having lunch with family

CEO’s With Immigrant Roots Have Superior Edge

A culturally diverse company may perform better than one that doesn’t have workers with various backgrounds. CEOs whose parents or grandparents were immigrants are likely to be superior performers in their professions, according to a study by the Harvard Business Review. While CEOs with immigrant parents and grandparents may have … Read More

Cold Russia Frozen Eyelashes

It’s So Cold In Russia, Eyelashes Are Freezing

The coldest place on earth is experiencing near-record low temperatures that are making life brutal for many residents. Earlier this week, people in the Russian region of Yakutia endured temperature drops of minus 67 degrees Celsius (minus 88.6 degrees Fahrenheit) in certain spots. The region is known for its severe … Read More

смотреть, метеором!

So, as anyone with an internet connection probably knows by now, this happened: [youtube width=”480″][/youtube] Which means that this is now happening: Also, 1,000 people may have been injured. Keep up the good work, internet. [Source: Mashable]

Undercover and Underwhelming

Right up there with farming and being a lady at night, espionage is one of the world’s oldest professions. Before 1900, though, spying was looked upon as something below the upper-class, done by cloak and dagger types by moonlight. Around the turn of the century, centralized agencies began to form. … Read More

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