The Post-Thanksgiving Workout: Interval Training

So I’m sure everyone enjoyed Turkey Dinner this Thanksgiving weekend. You probably enjoyed all the fixings and the pumpkin pie as well. I thought it would be a good time to introduce another workout. This workout is a cardio workout with a twist. When doing cardio always use interval training … Read More

Avoid the Marriage Five

It’s back to school this week and everywhere you turn there is an article about the freshman 15. Seeing as you’ve likely already lived through that era of your life, I thought I would touch on an equivalent experience that guys hovering around 30 may identify more easily. The average … Read More

Say No to Chicken Legs

Guys work out and exercise to improve their health, but let’s face it, there is a small part of us that works out to look better for the ladies.  So, what do ladies really look for in a guy’s body?  What body parts get them all hot and bothered? As … Read More

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